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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Journal 2: Using Podcasts to Devlelop a Global Perspective (NETS I, IV, & V)

Maguth, B.M., & Elliot, J. (2010). Using Podcasts to develop a global perspective. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(5), Retrieved from

The article was about a group of kids at a High School in Ohio. They used podcast to learn about other cultures. Educators were responsible for making students aware of global challenges and cultural diversities. Using digital technologies helped them to reach out to a global audience. The students recorded a debate on global issues, which had personalities holding different views and exchanging ideas. The group researched climate change. They found nations, politicians, and scientist who were involved. They had varying views and recorded the findings in a research journal. The podcast involved lots of planning, research, writing, and editing before even using them. They were able to edit mistakes, use background music, adjust volume, rearrange audio clips, and include commercial breaks. The students showcased their work on the internet. People in the community valued the efforts of the students and made it easier to understand a degree of depth on an important global issue, informed multiple perspectives, and gave chance to discuss current global issues.

Why is important to learn from other cultures?
You can always learn something new from someone else especially from a different culture. We usually only see our cultures point of view so when you hear someone else’s it makes you think differently.

Are Podcasts something every school should have?
I think it is something nice to have and you can do a lot but it can be expensive so you will have to see what your school allows you to do, if not try fundraising or finding a sponsor.

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